2018… A year!

4977C52A-0F85-4976-95D8-E5D3432E5E38.JPGI’m sat in a friend’s lounge in Edinburgh after a couple of ales in a local pub. I’m pondering on the year, it’s filled with joy and sadness. It started out with me trying to finish my dissertation, this in itself was a huge deal for me. I was told many times at school, and even in recent years that I would never be able to achieve anything academically… Can I say if anyone ever says that to you, laugh at them! Because it’s a lie… if you put your mind to it… YOU CAN DO IT! And so I graduated in the summer with an MA… Yesssss I now have letters after my name! lol!

In-between all this, our little hound, Suki dog, died after a short illness… it was tough to say the least, and still today we miss her loads. She was our little pub dog and was particularly my companion when working from home. On the flip side, Molly our little dog has flourished and she is sooo hilarious!

I have also secured another part time job in Newcastle, which I started just a few weeks before Christmas, and it’s been great to start to get to know people, and to feel my way into this new role. Alongside this I’m so thankful to continue my role on the coast, and to work with a whole host of fab people! Our little community is a joy to be a part of, and we count them all as dear friends.

I wish you all a peaceful new year and whatever 2019 brings, may you know that we love you! And thanks for being with us on this journey of life. Love, peace.

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